The actual cost of living for a family of four in Mercer County is around $73,000, far above the federal poverty level of $27,750, and 90% of the families Arm In Arm helps with housing assistance are led by single parents surviving on only one income. For these families, the struggle is real and present.
Our Homelessness Prevention and Housing Stability services made the following impact in FY24:
- Prevented eviction for 193 households by providing rental assistance
- Assisted 37 households with security deposits to obtain housing
- Helped 3 families avoid foreclosure with mortgage assistance
- Supported 103 families (240+ children) with emergency services and temporary housing in collaboration with the Trenton Board of Education’s Parent Connect Program

Arm In Arm’s Director of Housing Stability Services, Cynthia Mendez, has been voted in to serve on the Rent Stabilization Board of the City of Trenton

Click the links below to read real stories of families we have helped.
A single father, Carlo and his daughters had been living in a rent controlled apartment in Trenton since 2019. Things were tight, but he had a steady job at a warehouse and was able to pay their bills. When Carlo unexpectedly required surgery, this unforeseen medical crisis hit his family hard. His recovery was long, and when disability ran out, Carlo quickly fell behind on rent. When he was finally able to return to work, they were already four months behind, so Carlo turned to Arm In Arm for help. We wanted to ensure he could remain in the apartment where he was paying $725 per month because our staff knew it would be difficult to find another place he could afford. Arm In Arm covered his back rent, and this family was able to stay in their home. One time medical expenses can be devastating for families living paycheck to paycheck.
When she came to Arm In Arm, Jenae had been living in her car for a month. Because her mother had abruptly moved to Florida, Jenae was left without a home and without the resources to move into a place of her own. She had a good job, but at 22, had only just begun working and didn’t have the savings or credit needed for a security deposit. Then, when her car was hit, the only ‘home’ she had was in peril. Arm In Arm provided $4,500 in assistance to get her into her own apartment. Now, with a safe place to call home, Jenae’s future looks bright.Today a security deposit + first month’s rent + an application fee is often upwards of $4,000-$6,000. This used to be the cost of a down payment on a house. Our clients are hard-pressed to save enough to afford this.
Karina and her four children had to flee their home to escape domestic violence. Through our Parent Connect Program, we provided emergency temporary housing in a local hotel. But this was not sustainable – at a cost of $1,000 per week, Karina wasn’t earning enough to afford this long-term, or to save for a security deposit on her own place. So, a case worker in our Homelessness Prevention Program worked with her to examine her finances and assess what she could afford. Working with a local landlord, we located safe, affordable, long-term housing, and provided financial assistance to get her family settled in a new home. We also referred Karina to a domestic violence counselor, and invited her to join our Still Standing Program for single mothers where she receives one-on-one mentoring from our staff, and connects with other single mothers.90% of the households we help with housing assistance are single parent households
Every dollar counts just as every family counts. Each family has their own story and unique circumstances, and our staff is dedicated to providing more than just financial aid-we offer HOPE and the real chance for a stable future.