Volunteer Agreement

Arm In Arm Volunteer Agreement

Thank you for choosing to work with Arm In Arm. We consider our volunteers to be partners in service, and we share certain responsibilities and expectations, detailed below.


Arm In Arm seeks to create a warm and welcoming environment for our clients. Service, hospitality, and client dignity are our core values, and we expect our volunteers to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner that reflects those values.

  1. Hospitality and dignity are the foundation on which our food and mobile pantries are Always greet clients cordially and introduce yourself by name. Speak to clients with respect, and avoid entitlement phrases like “you get…”, “You’re entitled to…”, or “you can have…”. Instead use empowerment statements like “you are welcome to choose…”, “today we are offering…” or “you have a choice of…”. Finally, show clients that you appreciate their patronage by, for example, thanking them for coming in or wishing them a good day.
  2. Volunteers can expect to help with the following:
    1. Greeting/signing in/registering and/or scanning QR codes from clients (name, home address, #, primary income)
    2. Preparing grocery bags with non-perishable goods for later distribution
    3. Preparing & replenishing bags of fresh produce, frozen meats and eggs during distribution
    4. Assisting with sorting incoming donations
    5. Logging basic client information into our database
    6. Assisting with organizing inventory
    7. Breaking down recyclable boxes
    8. Helping with breakdown/ cleaning before the session is over
  3. There may be times when the pantry or event is not busy. If you prefer to stay engaged, please ask if there is something else you might Volunteers are not permitted to sit on check-out tables, or at computer intake desks.
  4. A clean work environment is appreciated by all. Eating is not permitted in the food pantry or at mobile pantry events or at the intake workstations during hours we are serving clients. Please note spills, debris, or refuse on floors or other surfaces and clean accordingly. Make use of trash receptacles.
  5. Permission to use the computers is granted by the Hunger Prevention Program Director or Hunger Prevention Coordinator. Computers are to be used for official Arm In Arm business only. Use of Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, shopping on line, etc., is not permitted.
  6. Volunteers may not answer Arm In Arm phones unless authorized to do so by a staff
  7. Volunteers are not permitted to play personal music devices (iPods, phones, etc.) or wear headphones or ear buds while serving clients in the food pantry or at mobile pantry events.
  8. Volunteers who are in need of food are eligible to shop in the pantry in accordance with Arm In Arm’s Food Policy (below). Please see a Program Director or Coordinator for more information. No food or beverages may be removed from the shelves, set aside, or consumed by a volunteer unless permitted by a staff member.
  9. Use or possession of drugs or alcohol in the food pantries or at mobile pantry events is strictly If there is an indication of intoxication or impairment the volunteer will be asked to leave and not return.
  10. When available, Arm In Arm provides free parking while you are Please be sure to park where the Coordinator advises you to.
  11. To ensure an organized and welcoming experience for our clients, please arrive by the stated shift start time that you have signed up for; and when you arrive please check in with the Arm In Arm Pantry Coordinator who will direct you on what needs to be done.

The following policies, quoted from our Personnel Manual, are applicable to all Arm In Arm staff members, volunteers, and interns

Employee or Volunteer Protection (Whistleblower) Policy

Arm In Arm upholds the following employee or volunteer protection (whistleblower) policy:

If any employee or volunteer reasonably believes that some policy, practice or activity of Arm In Arm is in violation of law, a written complaint must be filed by that employee or volunteer with the Executive Director or the Board Chair. It is the intent of Arm In Arm to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the

organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees and volunteers is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations. An employee or volunteer is protected from retaliation only if the employee or volunteer brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy or practice to the attention of Arm In Arm and provides Arm In Arm with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to employees or volunteers that comply with this requirement.

Arm In Arm will not retaliate against an employee or volunteer who, in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of Arm In Arm, or of another individual or entity with whom Arm In Arm has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy.

Arm In Arm will not retaliate against employees or volunteers who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy, or practice of Arm In Arm that the employee or volunteer reasonably believes is in violation of a law, a rule, or a regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare or protection of the environment.


Arm In Arm is committed to keeping high standards in regards to use of monetary donations as well as donated food. All donated food and food purchased with monetary donations are to be used solely for the intended purpose of serving Arm In Arm clients.

Employees and volunteers of Arm In Arm in need of food assistance may utilize one of Arm In Arm pantries, following the guidelines listed below:

  • Employees and volunteers in need of food assistance must contact one of the Hunger Prevention coordinators or the Director of Hunger Prevention.
  • Employees and volunteers must sign in and are recorded as receiving
  • Employees and volunteers receive the same items and amount as all other clients receiving
  • Employees and volunteers must wait to receive food until the distribution has ended and are prohibited from setting aside choice items.

Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action and/or immediate termination or removal from volunteer duties.

Policy for Client Confidentiality

All staff members, interns, and volunteers of Arm In Arm, shall strictly adhere to the terms, conditions, and provisions of this Policy for Client Confidentiality (hereinafter referred to as this Policy).

The client has the right to expect that all aspects of client service will be treated as confidential.

When staff members, interns, or volunteers are examining, interviewing, or sharing information, they shall do so in as private a space as possible in as private a manner as possible. Discussions about personal information will be held in privacy and limited to appropriate staff members, interns or volunteers.

Staff members, interns, and volunteers will have user privileges to access computer records in accordance with their job responsibilities. Computer records are secured from unauthorized access by a series of passwords

Paper copies of client information shall be printed out only as necessary and shredded when no longer needed.

In the event of release of information over the telephone, great care must be made to assure that information is not released inappropriately. For example, if a client calls for information regarding his/her case, he or she must be asked for identifying personal data, such his/her address and date of birth.

If desired, prior to the release of information, the client may review the records with the staff so that parts of the record not specifically relevant to the needs of the receiving agency will be redacted. Paper copies of client records may be given directly to a requesting client.

In order to release client records to outside entities, staff members, interns, and volunteers must (i) obtain authorization from the client and (ii) note the authorization in the client’s file. Outside entities include:

  1. Social service agencies
  2. Government agencies (except when the client’s direct aid is funded by the agency requesting information)
  3. Courts without a Subpoena Duces Tecum
  4. Attorneys
  5. Financial institutions
  6. Schools
  7. Law enforcement agencies (a court order or search warrant is needed if client consent is not expressly authorized)
  8. Immigration and Naturalization Service
  9. Employers
  10. Media

If information is requested by subpoena or for other case preparation, legal counsel of Arm In Arm will review forms to assure appropriate release.

Prior authorizations are NOT REQUIRED for release of client information when the client information is needed for DIRECT EMERGENCY CARE of the client. All efforts will be made to protect client confidentiality, EXCEPT in cases where the client poses an imminent threat of harm to himself/herself or others.

Each staff member, intern, and volunteer of Arm In Arm will be required to read and sign a copy of this Policy. The signed statements are to be kept by the Administrator.

Abuse Prevention Policy

Arm In Arm is a place where the community comes together to make sure everyone has the most basic needs of food and shelter and, as possible, the livelihood to maintain them. Arm In Arm is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its employees, interns, volunteers and for those individuals to whom Arm In Arm serves. Arm In Arm has zero tolerance for abuse, harassment, or misconduct. By implementing this policy, our goals are to protect the employees, interns, volunteers and the individuals participating in our organization from any harm and provide a clear path of response in the event of actual or suspected abuse, harassment, or misconduct. The objective of this policy is to define workplace abuse, including sexual abuse, harassment and misconduct and to outline procedures for reporting incidents, conducting internal investigations and issuing appropriate disciplinary measures in the case of violations of this policy.

This policy applies to all employees, interns, and volunteers of Arm In Arm at all locations. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action including dismissal, termination of employment or association with Arm In Arm, or reporting to the appropriate authorities. Arm In Arm complies with all applicable laws regarding the protection, safety, and well-being of its employees, interns and volunteers and of the participants of our programs.

Training, Education and Policy Updates

 As outlined in this Abuse Prevention Policy, Arm In Arm has taken steps to educate our employees, interns and volunteers about the risks related to sexual abuse and misconduct, instituted policies and practices designed to protect from this risk and trained our employees, interns and volunteers about proper reporting requirements. All employees, interns and volunteers are presented with a copy of this policy upon hire and annually thereafter and must agree in writing to abide by it.

To equip employees with information necessary to maintain a safe environment for employees, interns, volunteers and clients, Arm In Arm requires all employees to complete the Workplace Harassment Prevention Training before the start of employment or service. If an employee began employment prior to implementation of this policy, such person shall complete the Workplace Harassment Prevention Training within ninety (90) days after the implementation of this policy.

In addition, Arm In Arm requires all employees and interns to complete the Sexual Abuse Prevention Training. If an employee or intern began employment prior to implementation of this policy, such person shall complete the Sexual Abuse Awareness Training within forty-five (45) days after the implementation of this policy. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training must be renewed every 2 years.

All employees, interns and volunteers will be informed of Arm In Arm policies, procedures and regulations regarding abuse prevention and reporting. All employees, interns and volunteers will be made aware of legal requirements, and by their agreement to be employed by Arm In Arm, acknowledge having received and read the appropriate policies, standards and codes of conduct.

Arm In Arm will conduct periodic reviews of this Abuse Prevention Policy, as well as our general operations, in order to minimize and prevent the risk of sexual abuse or misconduct. If such review identifies a high-risk situation, Arm in Arm will develop a risk-management plan to minimize such risk and amend this Abuse Prevention Policy as needed (as determined by Arm In Arm’s sole discretion).

Screening Process

Arm In Arm utilizes a variety of methods of screening and selection, including but not limited to comprehensive applications, background checks, interviews and reference checks, to screen prospective employees, interns and volunteers that may have interactions with those employed by, associated with or serviced by Arm In Arm.

Definitions and Examples of Sexual Abuse and Misconduct

 Sexual Abuse, Harassment or Misconduct
Sexual abuse may include a range of behaviors and may involve individuals of the same or different gender. Depending on the circumstances, these behaviors may include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical assaults, such as rape, sexual battery, molestation or attempts to commit these
  • Child sexual abuse – any sexual activity, involvement or attempt of sexual contact with a person who is a minor (under 18 years old) where consent is not or cannot be given.
  • Behavior intended to ‘groom’ a child for sexual Grooming is the process used by an abuser to select a child, win the child’s trust (and the trust of the child’s parent or caregiver), manipulate the child into sexual activity and keep the child from disclosing the abuse.
  • Unwanted or intentional physical conduct that is sexual in nature, such as touching, pinching, patting, brushing, massaging someone’s neck or shoulders, and/or pulling against another’s body or clothes.
  • Teasing, slurs, threats, innuendo, insults, derogatory comments, or other similar verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct directed toward a person because of the individual’s sex, regardless of the sex of the individuals involved.
  • Unwelcome and inappropriate comments, innuendoes, bullying, jokes, gestures, electronic communication or messages (e.g., email, text, socials media, voicemail).
  • Display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures
  • Preferential treatment or promises of preferential treatment to an employee or a volunteer for submitting to sexual conduct, including soliciting or attempting to solicit any employee or volunteer to engage in sexual activity for compensation or reward.

Other Forms of Abuse, Harassment or Misconduct
Physical and other forms of abuse, harassment, or misconduct prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to:

  • Actions that may inflict or create substantial risk of inflicting serious injury, disfigurement, impairment, or death on another individual.
  • Unwelcome and/or inappropriate teasing, slurs, threats, innuendo, insults, derogatory comments, jokes, or other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct directed towards an
  • Physical, mental, or emotional impairment or endangerment of a minor (under 18 years old) by failing to exercise appropriate care.
  • Willful abandonment, which consists of any of the following acts by anyone having the custody or control of the child: (a) willfully forsaking a child; (b) failing to care for and keep the control and custody of a child so that the child shall be exposed to physical or moral risk without proper and sufficient protection; (c) failing to care for and keep the control and custody of a child so that the child shall be liable to be supported and maintained at the expense of the public, or by child caring societies or private persons not legally chargeable with its or their care, custody and control.
  • Physical, mental or emotional impairment (including imminent danger of impairment) as a result of a responsible party (such as a parent or guardian) failing to exercise a minimum degree of care.

Prohibited Behavior
This policy prohibits abuse, harassment, or misconduct by any individual associated with Arm In Arm (including, but not limited to, employees, interns, and volunteers) at any physical location of Arm In Arm, but also extends to behavior outside of Arm In Arm’s physical locations including related business activities, events, or programs. This policy also applies to any form of communication (including, but not limited to, phone calls, texts, emails, social media) involving individuals associated with Arm In Arm, even those that take place outside of its physical location or program hours.

Supervision of Youth and Interactions with Youth Participants and Staff

 To provide a safe environment for minors, Arm In Arm requires that a minimum of two adults supervise or be in attendance with minors during volunteer activities. Arm In Arm requires that volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a chaperone who is at least 21 years old.

Parental or guardian permission must be given to take photos of Arm In Arm youth participants. Employees, interns and volunteers may not use photographs taken at Arm In Arm programs and/or of Arm In Arm participants for purposes other than those directly related to the program or Arm In Arm.

Adult employees, interns and volunteers should not have outside contact with youth participants they meet through Arm In Arm programs or at Arm In Arm facilities. This includes babysitting, sleepovers, inviting children to your home and any contact via electronic means. Employees, interns and volunteers must notify Arm In Arm of any pre-existing relationship with a youth participant or a family exists.

Employees, interns and volunteers are not allowed to contact any program participant for non- related Arm In Arm communications via personal contacts, including, but not limited to, email, instant messaging, text messaging, cellular/regular phone, social networking pages or other communication vehicles. Employees, interns and volunteers will not share their personal contact information with any youth participants.

When a youth participant’s legal guardian is not present, Arm In Arm employees, interns or volunteers must have at least auditory supervision of the children at all times.

Employees, interns and volunteers should refrain from any physical contact with youth participants except as necessary. It is acceptable to shake hands, give a fist bump, touch as necessary for first aid or to prevent an accident. Refrain from having children sit in your lap or give long hugs. Employees, interns and volunteers should not abuse children, including inappropriate touch, exploitation or verbal exchange.

Employees, interns and volunteers who are over eighteen (18) years of age may not have a romantic relationship with program participants who are under eighteen (18) years of age.

Reporting Concerns Regarding A Youth Participant’s Physical Condition

Employees, interns and volunteers should report any concerns about a youth participant’s physical conditions, noting any fever, bumps, bruises, burns, etc. to Arm In Arm management. Questions or comments will be addressed by management to the parent or youth participant in an open-ended, non-threatening way. Any questionable marks or responses will be documented and reported to Arm In Arm management.

Management shall document any conversation about such concerns and take appropriate next steps, which may include continuing conversations, monitoring, seeking first aid or medical care, and/or reports to law enforcement or appropriate authorities.

Reporting Procedure and Investigation

 Arm In Arm requires employees, interns, and volunteers to report all perceived or suspected incidents of abuse, harassment or misconduct, regardless of the offender’s identity or position and regardless of whether reporting is required by state law to their immediate supervisor, Program Director or Executive Director.

Arm In Arm will take all allegations of sexual abuse or misconduct seriously and will promptly, thoroughly and equitably investigate whether misconduct has taken place.

Arm In Arm may utilize an outside third party to conduct an investigation of misconduct and will cooperate fully with any investigation conducted by law enforcement or other regulatory agencies. Arm In Arm will maintain confidentiality throughout the investigatory process to the extent consistent with adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Arm In Arm is committed to complying with legal requirements for reporting suspected sexual abuse or misconduct to appropriate law enforcement and/or protective services organizations. To ensure appropriate reporting, Arm In Arm employees, interns, and volunteers should remain vigilant when interacting with youth participants, and immediately report suspected abuse to Arm In Arm management. Arm In Arm does not require an internal investigation as a pre-condition to reporting to proper law enforcement authorities or protective services organizations.

New Jersey law requires any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subject to abuse or acts of abuse is required and mandated by law to immediately report this information to the State Central Registry (SCR). As soon as you suspect abuse, you must report your concerns by telephone to SCR. SCR is open twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, to receive your call. The toll-free telephone number to report abuse is 1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873). If the child is in immediate danger, in addition to calling SCR, call 911 to get in contact with the local police department.

Whenever possible, the following information should be provided when making such a report:

  • Who: The child and parent/guardian’s name, age and
  • What: All believed incidents of injury or abuse to the minor, individuals believed to be involved, and other facts supporting your concern.
  • When: When the alleged injury or abuse occurred and when you learned of
  • Where: Where the incident occurred and where the child is
  • How: How urgent the need is for intervention and whether there is a likelihood of imminent danger to the child.

When reporting, it is important to protect the child’s right to privacy. Find a private place to make the call, be a good listener/observer, minimize the need for questioning and reassure the child without making any promises.

Calls can be placed to SCR anonymously and any person who makes a report of child abuse in good faith is immune from any criminal or civil liability as a result of such action. Any person who knowingly fails to report suspected abuse may be considered a disorderly person.

Additional Resources for Sexual Harassment Claims

 Sexual harassment is not only prohibited by Arm In Arm, but it is also considered an unlawful form of employment discrimination under applicable law, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1994 and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. Aside from the internal reporting procedure described in this policy, those who believe that they have been subjected to sexual harassment may also raise their concerns with federal, state or local agencies, including the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Division on Civil Rights (DCR).

Violations of this Policy

 All reports of sexual harassment and child abuse will be promptly investigated and completed as soon as possible. Corrective or disciplinary action, including termination, will be taken where appropriate. Such corrective or disciplinary action may be taken against any individual engaged in sexual harassment or child abuse, as well as against supervisory and managerial personnel who knowingly allow such behavior to continue.

Prohibition on Retaliation

 Arm In Arm prohibits retaliation against an individual for making a good faith report of violation under this policy, participating in a related investigation or proceeding, or taking other appropriate action consistent with this policy. Any suspected retaliation should be immediately reported using the procedures outlined in this policy, and will be appropriately reviewed, investigated, and/or resolved as outlined in this policy.

Knowingly false and/or bad faith complaints under this policy may subject the complainant to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of association with Arm In Arm and/or reporting to appropriate law.

To download and print a copy of these policies, please click here.
